Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Sisterhood of Motherhood

My lovely darling firstborn has been in labor all day to bring their first baby into the world. A girl, whose first name begins with an "E" and that's all I know. She will be our first grandbaby, and we couldn't be more thrilled.

Of course, I've been thinking about Abby all day, about my own labor bringing her into the world, and wishing I could be with her, help her through it, relieve her of the pain, and experience it up close and personal...not that she would want me that close! I just received a text from her husband that she was in transition and it's been about 15 hours since her water broke at bedtime last night. He said she had gotten sick, which is normal at this stage of labor, but I hate that she is having any discomfort...I feel like that 1960s expectant dad who paced the floor of the maternity wing waiting room!

As I took a walk this morning, I was pondering this life transition for Abby. She will soon join me in the Sisterhood of Motherhood. She will understand things about me that only a mother can understand. What it's like to brave the likes of labor and delivery to bring a precious little one into the world. What it's like to have such a strong love and sense of protection over the tiniest, most beautiful human being you've ever seen. To know that only you can give her what she needs. To feel the most intense sense of responsibility and a love that can actually hurt. And the huge boost in self-confidence she will experience knowing that she did this. She beasted the pain and pushing. That baby girl will need Abby like nobody ever needed her. We will share that same level of emotion, a hard won accomplishment of labor and delivery.

I know that shortly, there will be a call that it is all over, and Baby E is in Abby's arms. But gosh, the wait!

UPDATE: Esther Natalia was born at 9 pm last night, after a long, difficult labor. But she is perfect and nursing like a pro. Now is time for rest, rest, rest. I will leave tomorrow morning bright and early to spend 10 days with them...Can't wait to snuggle them and cook lots of amazing meals for them!

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