I love making breakfast for my loved ones. Whenever my kids had a birthday, I always let them choose their favorites for breakfast and dinner. And sometimes, they got it served on a tray! My college girl loves to be babied. Since she is the youngest, she flows in this role well; it comes naturally to her, and since I'm such a mother hen, I love doing it for her. So, when she is home, even if it's not her birthday, I sometimes make her breakfast in bed. This morning is her last morning home before she heads back to school, so I thought it was an appropriate morning for some princess treatment.
I had this idea in my head to make french toast, but I had some perfectly ripe peaches and was trying to think how I could make a protein rich peach french toast combo...and I came up with a baked french toast casserole with peaches and blueberries. Add some OJ, fresh fruit and a little daisy on a silver tray, and even Snow White would be impressed.
Peach and Blueberry French Toast Casserole
5 eggs
2 cups milk
1 t. vanilla (although I use 1/4 t. of my favorite super-concentrated Haitian vanilla)
1 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. salt
12 slices high protein bread (I used Sprouted Wheat Whole Grain), crusts removed
2 ripe peaches
1 c fresh blueberries
4 T butter
sprinkling of cinnamon sugar
Dice the bread and place in a buttered casserole dish with peeled/diced peaches and blueberries. Mix eggs, milk, vanilla, cinnamon and salt together. Pour over bread/fruit mixture. Mix well to be sure bread has absorbed liquid. Melt butter; drizzle over all and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.

I'm glad Jessie appreciates things like this. I'm up way to early for anyone to be able to do this for me, but I love doing it for others. Though I will say, I do love me some cappuccino in bed...hint, hint to any family members out there reading. :)