Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nesting: Creating a Safe Place

Fall used to be my favorite season...school shopping, starting a routine, cool weather, lots of color. But I think I've morphed as my kids have gotten older and some of those things aren't so pertinent anymore. Spring, though, is full of new beginnings; lots of hope as dead things become alive again, sticks turn to green branches, the birds return, the sun warms the earth, and I get to plant basil again.

Last year, every time I went out of my front door, a bird flew fast and furious out of one of my tall Italian cypress trees. I became curious after 10 or 15 of these startled flights, and had a peek inside the branches: sure enough, there was a perfect nest, with a two little blue eggs. As the summer wore on, and fall came, the birds removed their nest bit by bit and went away. Kirk wondered if they were putting all their little bits of grass, twigs and feathers in a mini-storage somewhere.

Because last week, I noticed they were back, and the nest was taking shape in exactly the same spot.

And today - four impossibly tiny blue eggs appeared in that perfectly shaped nest. I was so happy to show the little ones staying in my house. They were awed by the perfection.

That color. That blue. I want to paint something in my house that color. Maybe a ceiling.

I love that this mama bird feels safe enough to make her home in one of my trees. I have always wanted my home to be a place of peace. A place of refreshment for the weary, provision for the hungry, laughter for the sad. A friend once told me that your home should be a safe place to fall, especially as our children are growing into adulthood and struggle with choices and important decisions. Most importantly, our family members should be able to feel loved and cared for, no matter what, to know that everyone loves, accepts and forgives them when necessary.

I love to feed people, feed their bellies and feed their souls. A good chat about important things, a soothing hug, a comforting cup of coffee or tea. Fellowship around a table of amazing food. And "feathering the nest"...yep, that mama bird added some downy feathers at the very end to make it really cushy for those babies. I like feathering my nest, too. These are the things that last. These are the things that make a home. Homemaking. Yea, that's it.

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